A native of Ohio, Linda Howe Steiger is an author and photographer living in Northern California. She studied English literature at Bryn Mawr College and the University of Pennsylvania as well as urban planning at Rutgers. She has held a variety of writing, editing, teaching, as well as library posts for local and state governments, non-profits, and universities. Her more than 150 articles and reviews have appeared in diverse publications, including The New York Times, Planning Magazine, Criticism, and EduCause Quarterly as well as the Transportation Research Record of the National Academy of Sciences. After a stint as Assistant Director for New Technologies at Rutgers’ National Transit Institute, she accepted an appointment at the University of California Berkeley's Institute of Transportation Studies as director of their technology transfer and local technical assistance programs. In 2007 she retired from academia (again!) and began writing fiction, a life-long dream, thus filling in the gaps between trips.